Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils


Many adults feel too overwhelmed by their responsibilities to prioritize self-care. Coloring often seems reserved for children or professional artists, rather than a simple, enjoyable escape for everyone.


Position PrismaColor Premier Colored Pencils as the top choice for self expression and a go-to tool for mindfulness and relaxation for adults.

We’re inviting the not-so-artsy folks to create their own outlet of self care through rich pigments and seamless blending. 

“ Let PrismaColor be the flight to the Bahamas”

Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils will be showcased in offices, college buildings, and workplaces, inspiring people to discover a creative and relaxing outlet in their daily lives. Eye-catching billboards will grab the attention of busy adults on their commute, reminding them to unwind with a coloring and wine night after work.

A dedicated Story Highlight on the platform could showcase the Prismacolor community’s creative work, celebrating their artistic expressions using Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils.

Featuring the campaign on social media platforms like Instagram will connect with the Prismacolor audience on how they create their own color therapy.

PARTNER: Nitya Shah


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